BOOK: A - Z Animal Wall Charts, Rhymes and Worksheets
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PAGE SIZE: 54 x A4 pages including cover.
Our A - Z charts and worksheets resource is a fun and interesting way to teach the alphabet and the sounds or names the letters make.
Each letter shows the upper case and lower case form of the letter and has a little rhyme to match the letter and the animal depicted. (anteater; bear; camel; duck; elephant; frog; guinea fowl; hippopotamus; Indian mynah; jaguar; kangaroo; ladybird; mouse; nanny goat; owl; pig; quail; rabbit; squirrel; tortoise; unicorn; vulture; whale; x-elephant-squirrel-tortoise-saurus; yak; zebra
Read the TEACHER'S GUIDELINES (depicted) to see how much this resource can benefit you and the value it can add to the learning and teaching process.
Print out the worksheets right from your computer! Print out a single sheet or 50+ whatever fits your needs for your classroom or home. And don’t worry- you can print more anytime! Year after year!